Vegans Leads the Path

Controversies Surrounding PETA and the Dairy Industry

PETA, an organization dedicated to animal welfare and the promotion of veganism, has faced criticism from certain segments of the vegetarian community in India. Some individuals take issue with PETA’s advocacy for veganism, believing that it undermines the importance of vegetarianism. They may harbor concerns regarding foreign influences on Indian dietary practices, leading to a resistance towards embracing veganism.

Challenges within the Dairy Industry

There are valid concerns regarding certain practices within the dairy industry. It is important to acknowledge and address these issues for the well-being of animals involved. Some practices, such as artificial insemination of cows and buffaloes, are considered ethically questionable. The use of injections to manipulate reproduction can be viewed as a form of cruelty towards animals.

Furthermore, the treatment of male calves within the dairy industry has raised serious concerns. Many are either culled at a young age or subjected to harsh living conditions, feeding on garbage and suffering at the hands of humans. It is distressing that certain politicians have even advocated for a system that only allows female calves to be born, highlighting the detrimental intentions behind such actions. However, it is crucial to note that there are also dairy farmers who prioritize ethical practices and prioritize the well-being of their animals.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

Respecting organizations that work for the welfare of animals is essential, and it is crucial for governments to actively address these issues. Strict regulations should be implemented within the dairy industry to ensure the humane treatment of animals. Cows should be allowed to graze freely, and calves should receive their full quota of their mother’s milk before any surplus is harvested for human consumption. The happiness and well-being of cows and their calves should be prioritized, and animals should not be confined in cramped spaces. Those unable to provide suitable conditions for cows and buffaloes should not be granted licenses to operate dairy businesses.

There is a sentiment that no financial support should be extended to the dairy industry. The notion arises from the belief that it is ethically wrong to exploit cows and make them live miserable lives as mere milk-producing machines. It is argued that cows’ milk is intended for their offspring, and humans have no right to consume it. In contrast, vegans are seen as morally superior, as they abstain from causing harm to animals. Dairy brands such as Amul, Nandini, Madhusudan, Parag, and even Patanjali are criticized for allegedly mistreating innocent animals to maintain their milk production.

It is disheartening to witness the exploitation of sentiments surrounding cows under the guise of Gau Mata (sacred cow) for political gain. The practice of providing bank loans to peasants and farmers to purchase cows and buffaloes for milk production often leads to an unethical cycle. Unfortunately, those who have taken such loans are unlikely to rear male calves. These calves are either abandoned or sold to slaughterhouses for monetary gain. In this pursuit, ethical considerations, morals, and principles are disregarded in favor of political motives and securing votes. It is a regrettable situation where the true welfare of cows is overshadowed by opportunistic agendas.

Cows are not mere milk factories; they have a complex social structure similar to humans. They, too, desire companionship and the opportunity to form family bonds with bulls. Natural reproduction should be respected, rather than relying on artificial insemination techniques to produce only female calves. Cows are sensitive, intelligent, and remarkably compassionate animals. Bulls, on the other hand, are noble creatures known for their hard work and dedication. It is important to recognize and appreciate the inherent value and welfare of these remarkable beings. 🙏