Realistic Experience Of an Explorer

trek route
nyay Patra or anyay Patra

Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra?

Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra?

 In the vibrant and complex world of Indian politics, the recent assembly elections in Karnataka have unveiled a troubling trend that demands our attention. The Congress party’s deceptive strategy of offering financial  incentives and free bus rides to women has sparked a debate that goes beyond immediate electoral gains. This model was first introduced in Karnataka, replicated in Telangana and last week’s Lok Sabha elections, raises fundamental questions about the integrity and future of our democracy in India. This is from a party which is mindlessly blaming the ruling NDA government of misusing the ideals of democrasy and constitution of the nation. It is “like the coal calling the others black.”

A Strategy Rooted in Desperation

When Congress introduced financial  incentives and free bus rides in Karnataka, it wasn’t just an electoral strategy—it was a lifeline thrown to a desperate party. These incentives, designed to sway voters, exploit the vulnerabilities of our most disadvantaged citizens. For those struggling to make ends meet, the promise of financial relief is irresistible. But what does this say about the state of our democracy? 

The Immediate Lure of financial  Incentives.

For many, the promise of immediate financial aid is a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape. It’s hard to fault anyone for accepting such an offer when faced with poverty and uncertainty. But this strategy preys on the immediate needs of the poor, turning elections into transactions rather than a democratic process. It shifts focus away from meaningful policy discussions and long-term solutions to a simplistic, short-term gain.

Repeating the Pattern in Telangana

Congress’s replication of this model in Telangana underscores a troubling pattern. The allure of quick financial  and free services was enough to tip the scales in their favor. But this isn’t just about winning elections—it’s about the method and its implications. By using financial incentives to secure votes, Congress is undermining the very principles of a fair and free electoral process.

 The BJP’s Missed Opportunity to Safeguard Democracy

Amidst these tactics, the BJP had a golden opportunity to address this issue when they held a significant majority in the central government till the election dates was announced in April 2024. They could have introduced legislation to ban financial  incentives in elections, setting a precedent for fairer practices. Unfortunately, this chance was missed, allowing these practices to continue unchecked.

Legislation as a Solution

Introducing laws to ban financial incentives is not just about leveling the playing field—it’s about preserving the integrity of our elections. Such legislation would ensure that political parties compete based on their vision, policies, and ability to lead, rather than on who can offer the most money. This move would protect our democracy from being reduced to a mere marketplace of votes.

 Congress’s Strategy in Central Elections

The central elections saw Congress once again promising financial  incentives—this time, ₹1 Lakh per year to poor families. This strategy, while effective in garnering votes, is a glaring example of short-term thinking. It highlights a broader issue within the INDI alliance, where financial promises are used as a crutch to gain immediate support to their meek policies. Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra?

Bankrupt Policies and Stunted Progress

The policies underpinning these financial  incentives often lack foresight and sustainability. By focusing on immediate voter satisfaction rather than long-term growth and development, these strategies can lead to a stagnation of progress. The INDI alliance’s continued reliance on such deceptive tactics highlights their inability to formulate robust, forward-thinking policies that can drive India’s growth and development. Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra?

The Long-Term Impact on Progress

Such promises may bring temporary relief, but they do nothing to address the root causes of poverty and underdevelopment. Instead, they create a cycle of dependency that hinders genuine progress. The focus shifts from sustainable development and economic growth to immediate, albeit fleeting, financial benefits. Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra?

 A Future Built on Sustainable Policies

To counter this, the BJP must champion policies that offer long-term solutions. This means investing in education, organic food, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic reforms that create jobs and improve living standards. By focusing on sustainable development, the BJP can present a compelling vision for the future that doesn’t rely on financial handouts.

False Promises

The ‘Nyay Patra’ seems to have become ‘Anyay Patra’. The poor in Karnataka are expressing deep frustration because, despite casting their votes, some claim to have never received the promised ₹2,000 per month. This disappointment echoes in Telangana, where similar promises were made but not fulfilled. In the central elections, voters from both states turned to the BJP, revealing their realization that Congress’s financial  promises were merely a tactic to secure votes. It’s evident that these promises were never meant to be kept, leaving many feeling betrayed and used. The betrayal of ₹1 lakh/Year has also come to the fore in the media now, many thousands of people are on the streets demanding their ₹8,333/per month, saying they need the promised some. It is for the congress party to answer, Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra? Watch this video to know more. 


In the dynamic arena of Indian politics, election pundits and strategists often paint a picture of voter fatigue, suggesting that after ten years of Modi’s rule, the electorate is weary. But this narrative oversimplifies a far more complex reality. The recent elections have shown that it’s not voter fatigue but the allure of financial  incentives that has influenced voting behaviour. This wily tactic, employed by Congress in Nyay Patra manifesto, has caused significant dents in the BJP’s electoral performance. The lure of money has jerked the loyal BJP electorate to swap sides towards the congress and its crony  alliance parties.Nyay Patra or Anyay Patra? However, despite these challenges, the BJP is poised to form the government once again.

The use of financial  incentives in elections is a short-sighted strategy with long-term consequences. It undermines the principles of democracy and hampers sustainable development. The BJP must take decisive action to ban these practices and focus on policies that offer lasting benefits to the electorate. By doing so, we can ensure a fair, democratic process that prioritizes the true progress and development of our nation.



make india great again

Make India Great Again

Make India Great Again

Our connection to the land of Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK) runs deep. It is a part of our ancestral heritage, a region that belongs to us, etched in the history and heart of India. As we strive to reclaim this land, it’s important to be clear and resolute in our intentions to Make India Great Again. 

Do we Indians wish to integrate the population of POK into our country? We have faced numerous challenges and burdens from those people in the past. Our nation has already absorbed many unwanted ones and illegal occupants and has shown patience and hospitality. However, it is time to assert our needs and prioritize the well-being of our own citizens to Make India Great Again. 

Do we really need the people of POK? We should force our enemy country to hand over the illegally occupied land to us, minus the humans there. This is not a question of hostility but of pragmatism. Our resources are limited, and we cannot continue to stretch them thin by incorporating more individuals who may not share our values or vision for the future.

Our focus should be on the land itself, renovating the Sharda peeth temple, its strategic importance, and its rightful place within the Indian territory. The people currently residing there have their own allegiances and have been influenced by years of conflict and mean propaganda. We also cannot verify who is real and who is an infiltrator, so better we be safe than sorry. Integrating them into India would not only be a logistical challenge but also a potential risk to our national security and social harmony to Make India great again.

We must be unyielding in our demand: the land of POK is ours, but the responsibility of its current human population should not be of our national interest. I think we are better off without the Muslim population coming from there to here. This is a necessary step to ensure the safety, prosperity, and cultural integrity of our nation. Our enemy country’s policy of mindless population increase does not fit with our civilized approach and the upcoming UCC. Let us reclaim what is rightfully ours without compromising the security and well-being of our beloved India.

Indra Dev Basmati

World No.1 Basmati is Indra Dev Basmati Rice

World No.1 Basmati is Indra Dev Basmati Rice

Discover the Exquisite Taste of Indra Dev Basmati: The Finest Organic Himalayan Rice

Indra Dev Basmati is renowned for its long grains, exceptional aroma, texture, taste, culinary versatility, cultural significance, and the Double Good brand reputation likely contribute to its widespread acclaim among aficionados of basmati rice. Indra Dev Basmati is a premium version of Dehradun Basmati rice. As for why it’s considered the best basmati ever, there could be several reasons:

  • Aroma:Basmati rice is known for its distinctive aroma, often described as nutty or floral. Indra Dev Basmati is reputed for having an exceptionally fragrant aroma, which is one of the defining characteristics of high-quality basmati rice.
  • Texture:Basmati rice is prized for its delicate, fluffy texture when cooked properly. The grains remain separate and don’t clump together. Basmati is said to have a superior texture, providing a delightful mouthfeel that enhances the overall dining experience.
  • Taste:Basmati rice is prized for its subtle, slightly sweet flavor. I D Basmati is reputed to have a rich and distinct taste that sets it apart from other varieties of basmati.
  • Culinary Versatility:Basmati rice, including Indra Dev Basmati, is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a wide variety of dishes, from Indian Pulaos to Middle Eastern pilafs, Biryanis to Western stir-fries. Its ability to complement different cuisines and dishes adds to its appeal.
  • Cultural Significance:Basmati rice holds cultural significance in many regions where it is grown, particularly in South Asia. I D Basmati, with its reputation for quality, may hold a special place in the culinary traditions and cultural heritage of those who consume it.
  • Quality Control and Brand Reputation: The reputation of I D Basmati as the best basmati ever may also be attributed to stringent quality control measures implemented by the producers, ensuring consistency and excellence in every batch. A Double Good brand’s reputation for quality and reliability can significantly influence consumers’ perceptions of its products.

You can buy Indra Dev Basmati rice here. 

“Rice has never been as nice as Indra Dev Basmati.”

What all can be cooked with Indra Dev Basmati Rice? 

Here are some delicacies that you can cook with Indra Dev Basmati rice:

  • Vegetable Pulao: A fragrant and flavorful rice dish cooked with assorted vegetables like carrots, peas, bell peppers, and beans, seasoned with aromatic spices like cumin, cloves, and cinnamon. Indra Dev Basmati rice enhances the pulao with its delicate texture and aroma, making it a satisfying and wholesome meal on its own or as an accompaniment to curries or yogurt-based raita.
  • Vegetable Biryani: A classic Indian dish where layers of spiced vegetables and cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice are assembled and slow-cooked to perfection. Infused with saffron, fried onions, mint, and coriander, vegetable biryani is a feast for the senses, offering a symphony of flavors and textures that delight the palate.
  • Vegetable Fried Rice: A quick and versatile dish made by stir-frying cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice with an assortment of vegetables such as bell peppers, carrots, peas, and corn, along with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. This Indo-Chinese favorite is a delightful way to enjoy the delicate grains of basmati rice in a flavorful and satisfying preparation.
  • Vegetable Pilaf: Similar to pulao but with a richer flavor profile, vegetable pilaf is cooked by sautéing vegetables and spices before adding soaked Indra Dev Basmati rice and simmering until fluffy and aromatic. Garnished with fried nuts and raisins, vegetable pilaf is a luxurious yet simple dish that pairs perfectly with creamy sauces or yogurt-based dips.
  • Stuffed Bell Peppers with Basmati Rice: Bell peppers stuffed with a mixture of cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice, vegetables, herbs, and spices, then baked until tender and flavorful. This dish offers a nutritious and visually appealing way to enjoy the unique taste and texture of basmati rice in a wholesome meal.

These are just a few examples of the many vegetarian delicacies that can be cooked with Indra Dev Basmati rice. Experiment with different combinations of vegetables, spices, and cooking techniques to create your own signature dishes that showcase the excellence of this premium rice variety.


Replace Staple Food with Millets

Replace Staple Food with Millets

Replace Staple Food with Millets

Switching to millets such as barnyard, browntop, foxtail, kodo, and little millets over traditional staples like rice, wheat, and meat can offer several health and environmental benefits:

  • Nutritional Value:
    • Rich in Nutrients: Millets are often more nutrient-dense than rice and wheat, containing essential vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and B-vitamins.
    • High Fiber Content: Millets are an excellent source of dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health.
  • Gluten-Free:
    • Millets are naturally gluten-free, making them a suitable alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  • Low Glycemic Index:
    • Millets have a lower glycemic index compared to rice and wheat, helping in better blood sugar control and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Healthier Fats:
    • Millets contain healthier fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contributing to heart health. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Environmental Sustainability:
    • Water Efficiency: Millets are generally more drought-resistant and require less water compared to rice. This makes them a more sustainable option, especially in regions with water scarcity.
    • Biodiversity: Cultivating a variety of millets supports biodiversity, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system.
  • Climate Resilience:
    • Millets are known for their adaptability to diverse climatic conditions, making them a resilient crop in the face of climate change. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Diverse Cultivation:
    • Growing different types of millets promotes crop diversity, reducing the risk of monoculture-related issues such as pest outbreaks and soil depletion.
  • Local Economy Support:
    • Millets are often traditional crops in many regions, and their cultivation can support local economies and preserve traditional farming practices. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
    • Animal agriculture, which is full of cruelty, particularly chicken, beef, pork and meat production including fisheries, contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Shifting towards millets can reduce the demand for meat, thereby lowering the environmental impact.
  • Versatility in Culinary Use:
    • Millets can be used in a variety of dishes, offering versatility in the kitchen and adding diversity to the diet.

In summary, adopting millets as a staple food can have positive impacts on personal health, environmental sustainability and local economies. The shift towards millets aligns with a more holistic and sustainable approach to food production and consumption.

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India Needs Just 3 Political Parties

India Needs Just 3 Political Parties

India Needs Just 3 Political Parties 

In the vast and diverse landscape of Indian politics, hundreds of regional political parties thrive, each with their own ideologies and agendas. Many of these parties have expanded their reach beyond regional boundaries, venturing onto the national stage. However, amidst this complexity, questions arise about the effectiveness of such a multitude of political entities. The political arena is currently dominated by the ruling NDA alliance, consisting of around three dozen parties, and the newly formed INDIA alliance led by the Congress party. In light of the circumstances, it is worth considering the feasibility of transforming the plethora of parties into a streamlined structure of three major political entities, rather than relying on numerous national alliances.

The Current Scenario

The political landscape of India is teeming with regional parties that have made their mark at local levels. These parties often represent the unique cultural, social, and economic interests of their respective regions. As these parties expand their influence, they sometimes venture beyond their traditional territories and compete on the national stage. This phenomenon has led to the emergence of diverse national alliances, such as the NDA and the INDIA alliance, each striving to represent a wide range of ideologies and constituencies.

The Clash of Interests

Within the INDIA alliance, a curious dynamic exists. While the member parties may be at odds in their regional strongholds, they unite to challenge the ruling NDA alliance at the national level. This can lead to conflicts of interest and questions about the authenticity of their collective mission. The courts should take note of these actions as betrayals of the electorate, both at the state and central levels.

The Call for Consolidation

In light of the current landscape, a pertinent question arises: could India’s political structure benefit from consolidation? The suggestion to reduce the multitude of parties to just three major entities is not about stifling democracy but about streamlining its functionality. A limited number of political parties could lead to more efficient governance, clearer policy agendas, and stronger representation of diverse constituencies.

Balancing Democracy and Efficiency

While the idea of limiting the number of political parties might raise concerns about restricting democracy, it is essential to strike a balance between democratic representation and effective governance. An excessive number of parties can lead to fragmented mandates, unstable coalitions, and a lack of coherent policies. By transitioning to a three-party system, India could preserve the essence of democracy while promoting more focused and effective governance.


The complexity of India’s political landscape, with numerous regional parties expanding nationally, raises important questions about the efficiency and effectiveness of such a system. The current scenario, where alliances are formed based on convenience rather than a unified vision, can lead to confusion and conflicting interests. A move towards a streamlined structure of three major political parties could potentially enhance governance, provide clearer policy direction, and foster better representation.


  1. Why is there a need to reduce the number of political parties in India?The proposal to reduce the number of political parties aims to streamline governance and policy-making, enhancing efficiency and representation.
  2. Does limiting the parties undermine democracy?No, the intention is not to undermine democracy but to strike a balance between representation and effective governance. Saving from democrazy. 
  3. What challenges could arise from consolidating parties?Balancing diverse ideologies within a limited number of parties could be challenging, but it could lead to clearer policy agendas.
  4. How would consolidation affect regional interests?Regional interests would still be represented within the three major parties, ensuring that diverse constituencies have a voice.
  5. What role do alliances like NDA and INDIA play in this proposal?National alliances highlight the need for stronger unity and cooperation, which could be achieved through a consolidated party structure.

Ashwin vs Jaiswal’s Man of the Match Controversy

Ashwin vs Jaiswal’s Man of the Match Controversy

In a thrilling test match against the West Indies, Ravichandran Ashwin’s extraordinary bowling performance left cricket enthusiasts in awe. He took a total of 12 wickets in the match, with 5 wickets in the first innings and 7 wickets in the second. Despite his outstanding achievement, the man of the match award went to debutant Yashasvi Jaiswal for his exceptional 171-run innings. This decision raised eyebrows and sparked a heated debate among cricket fans and experts.

A Star in the Making: Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Marathon Innings

Yashasvi Jaiswal, the young Indian cricketer, displayed remarkable composure and skill during his innings. Scoring an impressive 171 runs, he demonstrated his potential as a future star in the world of cricket. Jaiswal’s innings allowed India to build a solid foundation and set a challenging target for the West Indies. His performance garnered well-deserved attention and admiration from fans and cricket pundits alike.

Ashwin’s Bowling Masterclass

Amidst Jaiswal’s heroics, Ravichandran Ashwin showcased his exceptional bowling prowess. He dismantled the West Indies batting line-up, taking crucial wickets that played a pivotal role in India’s victory. Ashwin’s bowling spell restricted the West Indies to a mere 150 runs in the first innings, setting the stage for India’s dominant position in the match.

The Man of the Match Controversy

Despite Ashwin’s exceptional performance, the man of the match award was bestowed upon Yashasvi Jaiswal. This decision sparked controversy among cricket enthusiasts, with many questioning the criteria used to determine the recipient of the prestigious award. Some argued that Ashwin’s impact on the match’s outcome was more significant, given that he took 60% of the opposition’s wickets whereas Jaiswal’s batting score contribution was just about 40.5%, which still makes a big difference of 19.5% in favor of Ashwin’s match-winning contribution. 

The Role of Context in the Decision

One factor that played a role in the man of the match decision was the context in which Yashasvi Jaiswal’s innings took place. Since Ashwin had already reduced the West Indies to a low score, the pressure on Jaiswal was comparatively lower when he stepped onto the crease. This allowed him to bat at his own leisurely pace, contributing to his impressive performance. While Ashwin’s bowling set the stage for India’s win, Jaiswal’s innings was seen as the icing on the cake.

Acknowledging Ashwin’s Impact

While Jaiswal’s innings stole the limelight, it is essential to recognize Ashwin’s exceptional contribution to the match. His 12-wicket haul played a vital role in dismantling the West Indies batting line-up and giving India a dominant position in the game. Ashwin’s ability to take wickets consistently, even on challenging pitches, is a testament to his skills and experience as a bowler.

The Debate Continues

The man of the match controversy involving Ravichandran Ashwin and Yashasvi Jaiswal is likely to be a topic of discussion among cricket enthusiasts for a long time. Some argue that the impact of a bowler’s performance is often undervalued compared to a batsman’s innings. Others believe that Jaiswal’s debut innings deserved the accolades it received, regardless of the context.


In conclusion, the first test match against the West Indies witnessed exceptional performances from both Ravichandran Ashwin and Yashasvi Jaiswal. While Ashwin’s brilliant bowling set the stage for India’s victory, Jaiswal’s debut innings left an indelible mark on the cricketing world. The man of the match controversy highlights the subjective nature of such decisions, often influenced by the context in which players perform. Ultimately, both players showcased their talent and potential, enriching the spirit of cricket.

Ignoring Excellence, Embracing Mediocrity

Ignoring Excellence, Embracing Mediocrity

It is utterly perplexing that the team management, including captain Rohit Sharma, senior batsman Virat Kohli, and coach Rahul Dravid, consistently overlook Ashwin’s brilliance in favor of mediocre pacemen. Ashwin’s records and match-winning performances speak for themselves, making it all the more baffling why he is sidelined time and again for bowlers with fewer accomplishments.

Unmatched Brilliance, Unworthy Treatment

Ashwin’s ability to weave magic with the ball, confounding batsmen with his variations and spin, is a cricketing gem that has gone underappreciated. His numerous Man of the Series awards and record-breaking achievements are unparalleled, yet the team management seems to turn a blind eye to his talent, opting for lackluster pacers instead.

Bias Distorting Selections

The bias against spinners is evident in the team selections, where Ashwin’s name is consistently missing, while far less deserving pacemen with few dozen of wickets are given preferential treatment. This distorted approach in team selections undermines the credibility of Indian cricket and casts a shadow of doubt on the competence of the team management and questions their intentions if they want India to win or play their team.

Pacemen Fever: Blind to Spin Wizardry

The obsession with pace bowlers seems to blind the team management to the wizardry that Ashwin brings to the game, even Axar Patel is forever on the sidelines. While fast bowlers might grab attention with their pace and aggression, it should not come at the expense of ignoring the artistry and intellect that a skilled spinner like Ravichandran Ashwin brings to the field.

The Need for Accountability

It is high time the team management is held accountable for their prejudiced decisions. The constant sidelining of Ashwin and the lack of appreciation for his contributions raise serious questions about the transparency and fairness of the selection process.

Celebrating Excellence, Not Mediocrity

Cricket is a team sport that demands a meritocratic approach, where talent and performance should dictate team selections. The unwarranted preference for ordinary pacemen, while dismissing the brilliance of world no. 1 spinner, is an insult to the sport itself.


The harsh truth is that Indian cricket has been plagued by an unjust bias against spinners, with Ravichandran Ashwin being the most prominent victim of this malpractice followed by Axar Patel’s and Kuldeep Yadav’s. All three spinners grab more than 4 wickets per test match whereas none of the pacemen who play for India take more than 3 wickets a test on an average, some are hovering just above 2. Ashwin’s exceptional talent of grabbing more than 5 wickets in a test match is the best in the world now, unmatched achievements, and match-winning prowess deserve recognition and appreciation, not neglect and ignorance. It is time for the team management to wake up from their pacemen fever and embrace the true gems of Indian cricket—spinners like Ashwin, who enrich the sport with their brilliance. Failure to acknowledge and celebrate his excellence is not only a disservice to Ashwin but also a disgrace to the spirit of cricket. The time for change is now; let us stand up against this bias and demand the rightful place of our spin wizard in Indian cricket history.

Is there a North-South divide in Indian Cricket?

Is there a North-South divide in Indian Cricket?


Indian cricket has always been a stage for extraordinary talents, with players from diverse backgrounds showcasing their skills. However, there has been a persistent undercurrent of the North-South divide in the cricketing landscape. South Indian players often feel they have to work harder to gain national recognition compared to their Hindi-speaking counterparts. Ravichandran Ashwin, the brilliant Tamil cricketer, has been a victim of this divide despite being one of the most intelligent and skilled players in the team. 

The Donkey’s Job and Selfless Contribution

Anil Kumble a mentor of Ashwin, a cricketing legend, once held the captaincy when he was about to retire. He had shouldered the “donkey’s job” for the Indian bowling department for years, selflessly giving his all for the team. Similarly, Ashwin, with his exceptional off-spin bowling, has been a match-winner for India on record number of occasions. However, despite his dedication and consistent performance, he has been overlooked for leadership positions in the national team.

A Tale of Two Vice-Captains

Ashwin’s exclusion from leadership roles becomes even more evident when comparing his case with that of other players. Ajinkya Rahane, who was dropped from the team 1.5 years ago, was called back and handed the vice-captaincy after just one good test match performance in the WTC 2023 final. On the other hand, Jasprit Bumrah, with less experience than Ashwin, was given the captaincy for a test match in England before. While Rishabh Pant was appointed vice-captain before, Ashwin, despite his vast experience, was not even considered for such responsibilities.

Undervalued Brilliance and Records

Ashwin’s cricketing intelligence and exceptional skills have earned him a record number of Man of the Series performances in Test cricket. He has consistently shown his ability to be a match-winner, often turning the match in India’s favor with his remarkable performances. However, despite being the best bowler for India in the WTC 2021 final, he was inexplicably dropped from the playing 11, in the following 4 test matches, leaving fans and experts baffled.

The Ravindra Jadeja Comparison

One of the striking instances of bias is the preference given to Ravindra Jadeja over Ashwin. While Jadeja is undoubtedly a talented all-rounder, Ashwin’s bowling prowess is unparalleled. Yet, he has often found himself sitting on the bench while Jadeja plays. This decision is often attributed to Jadeja’s superior batting ability, despite Ashwin’s significant contributions with the bat as well. Even lesser bowlers are preferred over Ashwin like Umesh Yadav, Shardul Thakur, etc. 
The obsession with pace bowlers seems to blind the team management to the wizardry that Ashwin brings to the game. While fast bowlers might grab attention with their pace and aggression, it should not come at the expense of ignoring the artistry and intellect that a skilled spinner like Ashwin brings to the field. Winning is more important to the country than the team management’s foolish team selections, which is detrimental to the country’s winning prospects. Ashwin being the biggest match winner should be the first name to be named when picking the squad in test cricket. 

The Price of Arrogance and Jealousy

The sidelining of Ashwin in Test cricket has raised questions about the influence of certain senior players and the team’s coaching staff. The perception of a North-South divide in Indian cricket has fueled speculation about the reasons behind Ashwin’s continued exclusion. The team’s performance in several matches may have suffered due to the refusal to include Ashwin in the playing 11.


Ravichandran Ashwin’s cricketing journey is a tale of brilliance overshadowed by the North-South divide in Indian cricket. Despite being one of the most intelligent and skillful cricketers in the team, he has been denied leadership positions and frequently left out of crucial matches. The need of the hour is to recognize and appreciate Ashwin’s exceptional talents and acknowledge his rightful place as a leader and match-winner for India. It is high time that merit, not regional biases, takes precedence in Indian cricket.

Encountering the Wonders of Nature

Encountering the Wonders of Nature: A Serene Escape in Dehradun

A Serene Escape in Dehradun

This morning, as I stepped outside our farmhouse in the lush green surroundings, I was greeted by a magnificent sight—a deer gracefully standing by the roadside, hesitating to cross. The rain drizzled gently, creating an enchanting ambiance, and the cloudy weather seemed to beckon the animals that call the nearby jungles their home. Our farm, nestled amidst the tranquil wilderness, offers a haven where wildlife freely roams, allowing us to witness the beauty of nature firsthand. Just a few kilometers away, I have been spot to leopards on several occasions. Living in Dehradun, nestled in the lower Himalayas, truly offers an unparalleled opportunity to live in harmony with nature.

A Symphony of Wildlife

Our farm, located in the heart of the jungle areas, provides a rare glimpse into the diverse wildlife that thrives in this region. From deer gracefully grazing to hares darting across the fields and rabbits hopping through the meadows, every day brings the joy of encountering these majestic creatures. Even the elusive jackals occasionally make an appearance, their haunting cries piercing the night. The presence of such wildlife reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Jungle

The lower Himalayas, with its pristine landscapes and dense forests, serve as an invitation for exploration. Venturing into the jungles surrounding Dehradun allows us to unlock the secrets held within. With every step, we immerse ourselves in a world untouched by the chaotic rhythms of urban life. The grandeur of towering trees, the symphony of bird songs, and the fragrant embrace of wildflowers awaken our senses and ignite a deep sense of awe.

Connecting with Nature’s Majesty

Living in Dehradun, we are blessed with the proximity to the mighty Himalayas—an unrivaled marvel of nature. The snow-capped peaks stand tall as a reminder of the raw beauty and power that exists beyond our everyday lives.

Fueling Our Mental Destruction: The Price of Progress and Success

Are We Fueling Our Mental Destruction?

In our relentless pursuit of progress and success, we often find ourselves questioning if we are inadvertently causing our own mental destruction. It seems that we have become so consumed by the desire for glory, achievements, and financial stability that we have neglected the most important aspects of life. Our priorities have shifted, leaving us with no time for self-reflection, nurturing our relationships, caring for our beloved pets, or simply appreciating the wonders of nature. This constant cycle of chasing money to meet our financial obligations has trapped us in a state of stagnation, preventing us from exploring our true potential, embracing creativity, and finding joy in the simpler things.

The Illusion of Success

In today’s fast-paced world, success is often equated with material possessions, social status, and the accumulation of wealth. We strive to earn more money to pay off mortgages, car loans, and other commitments, believing that these external markers of success will bring us fulfillment and happiness. However, this pursuit of material gain can quickly become a vicious cycle, trapping us in a never-ending cycle of work and financial obligations.

Too Much of Screen time

Our lives are heavily intertwined with screens. Whether it’s mobile phones, laptops, televisions, or tablet computers, we find ourselves spending an overwhelming amount of time staring at these devices. Unfortunately, this obsession with screens has led to a decline in our overall well-being, including a lack of fulfillment in our daily lives.

The Neglected Importance of Vitamin D

One of the significant consequences of excessive screen time is our decreased exposure to natural sunlight. As we spend more hours indoors, glued to our screens, we miss out on the essential benefits of sunlight. The sun provides us with Vitamin D, a vital nutrient for our bodies. Lack of proper sunlight exposure can lead to deficiencies, impacting our overall health and well-being.

Disconnecting from the Outdoors

Our obsession with progress, client meetings, orders, and job commitments often leaves us with little time to venture outside. Even when we manage to squeeze in some time for outdoor activities, our thoughts remain preoccupied with work-related matters, preventing us from fully enjoying our outings. We need to break free from this cycle of overindulgence in material gains and reconnect with nature.

Rediscovering Our Priorities

It is essential to pause and reflect on what truly matters in life. While financial stability is important, it should not be our sole focus. We need to shift our perspective and place more value on experiences, personal growth, and contributing positively to the world around us.

Embracing the Joy of Nature

Nature has a remarkable ability to heal and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. Instead of being confined to concrete jungles and office cubicles, we should make a conscious effort to spend time in the great outdoors. Take leisurely walks in the park, go on hiking adventures, or simply sit and appreciate the beauty of a sunset. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can escape the relentless demands of modern life and find solace in the tranquility that surrounds us.

Nurturing Our Relationships

In our pursuit of success, we often neglect the very relationships that bring us joy and support. It is vital to prioritize our dear ones, spending quality time with family and friends. Engage in meaningful conversations, create memories together, and strengthen the bonds that truly matter. Remember, true success lies not just in personal achievements but also in the love and connections we share with others.

Embracing the Healing Power of Yoga

Yoga offers a powerful solution to counter the detrimental effects of excessive screen time and the constant pursuit of progress. By incorporating regular yoga practice into our lives, we can create a much-needed balance between our digital engagements and our mental and physical well-being. Yoga provides an opportunity to disconnect from screens and focus on self-care, mindfulness, and inner peace.

Unleashing Creativity

Creativity is the essence of human expression and innovation. Sadly, the demands of a fast-paced world often stifle our creative spirit. We need to reclaim our innate ability to think outside the box, to explore new ideas, and to nurture our imagination. Engage in activities that inspire you, such as painting, writing, playing an instrument, or cooking. Embrace your unique talents and allow yourself the freedom to create without the fear of judgment.

Compassion for All Living Beings

Our actions should extend beyond our immediate circle, encompassing the welfare of all living beings. This includes not only our fellow humans but also animals and the environment. Practice kindness and compassion in your daily life. Volunteer at animal shelters, support conservation efforts, and reduce your ecological footprint. By contributing to the well-being of others, we not only improve the world around us but also find a sense of purpose and fulfillment within ourselves.

Seeking Knowledge and Growth

A stagnant mind is a wasted mind. To break free from the mental destruction caused by the pursuit of progress and success, we must nurture a thirst for knowledge and continuous growth. Read books, explore different cultures, learn new skills, and engage in intellectual discussions. By expanding our horizons, we not only broaden our understanding of the world but also stimulate our minds and nourish our souls.

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