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Category: Vegetarianism

Indra Dev Basmati

World No.1 Basmati is Indra Dev Basmati Rice

World No.1 Basmati is Indra Dev Basmati Rice

Discover the Exquisite Taste of Indra Dev Basmati: The Finest Organic Himalayan Rice

Indra Dev Basmati is renowned for its long grains, exceptional aroma, texture, taste, culinary versatility, cultural significance, and the Double Good brand reputation likely contribute to its widespread acclaim among aficionados of basmati rice. Indra Dev Basmati is a premium version of Dehradun Basmati rice. As for why it’s considered the best basmati ever, there could be several reasons:

  • Aroma:Basmati rice is known for its distinctive aroma, often described as nutty or floral. Indra Dev Basmati is reputed for having an exceptionally fragrant aroma, which is one of the defining characteristics of high-quality basmati rice.
  • Texture:Basmati rice is prized for its delicate, fluffy texture when cooked properly. The grains remain separate and don’t clump together. Basmati is said to have a superior texture, providing a delightful mouthfeel that enhances the overall dining experience.
  • Taste:Basmati rice is prized for its subtle, slightly sweet flavor. I D Basmati is reputed to have a rich and distinct taste that sets it apart from other varieties of basmati.
  • Culinary Versatility:Basmati rice, including Indra Dev Basmati, is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a wide variety of dishes, from Indian Pulaos to Middle Eastern pilafs, Biryanis to Western stir-fries. Its ability to complement different cuisines and dishes adds to its appeal.
  • Cultural Significance:Basmati rice holds cultural significance in many regions where it is grown, particularly in South Asia. I D Basmati, with its reputation for quality, may hold a special place in the culinary traditions and cultural heritage of those who consume it.
  • Quality Control and Brand Reputation: The reputation of I D Basmati as the best basmati ever may also be attributed to stringent quality control measures implemented by the producers, ensuring consistency and excellence in every batch. A Double Good brand’s reputation for quality and reliability can significantly influence consumers’ perceptions of its products.

You can buy Indra Dev Basmati rice here. 

“Rice has never been as nice as Indra Dev Basmati.”

What all can be cooked with Indra Dev Basmati Rice? 

Here are some delicacies that you can cook with Indra Dev Basmati rice:

  • Vegetable Pulao: A fragrant and flavorful rice dish cooked with assorted vegetables like carrots, peas, bell peppers, and beans, seasoned with aromatic spices like cumin, cloves, and cinnamon. Indra Dev Basmati rice enhances the pulao with its delicate texture and aroma, making it a satisfying and wholesome meal on its own or as an accompaniment to curries or yogurt-based raita.
  • Vegetable Biryani: A classic Indian dish where layers of spiced vegetables and cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice are assembled and slow-cooked to perfection. Infused with saffron, fried onions, mint, and coriander, vegetable biryani is a feast for the senses, offering a symphony of flavors and textures that delight the palate.
  • Vegetable Fried Rice: A quick and versatile dish made by stir-frying cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice with an assortment of vegetables such as bell peppers, carrots, peas, and corn, along with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. This Indo-Chinese favorite is a delightful way to enjoy the delicate grains of basmati rice in a flavorful and satisfying preparation.
  • Vegetable Pilaf: Similar to pulao but with a richer flavor profile, vegetable pilaf is cooked by sautéing vegetables and spices before adding soaked Indra Dev Basmati rice and simmering until fluffy and aromatic. Garnished with fried nuts and raisins, vegetable pilaf is a luxurious yet simple dish that pairs perfectly with creamy sauces or yogurt-based dips.
  • Stuffed Bell Peppers with Basmati Rice: Bell peppers stuffed with a mixture of cooked Indra Dev Basmati rice, vegetables, herbs, and spices, then baked until tender and flavorful. This dish offers a nutritious and visually appealing way to enjoy the unique taste and texture of basmati rice in a wholesome meal.

These are just a few examples of the many vegetarian delicacies that can be cooked with Indra Dev Basmati rice. Experiment with different combinations of vegetables, spices, and cooking techniques to create your own signature dishes that showcase the excellence of this premium rice variety.


Replace Staple Food with Millets

Replace Staple Food with Millets

Replace Staple Food with Millets

Switching to millets such as barnyard, browntop, foxtail, kodo, and little millets over traditional staples like rice, wheat, and meat can offer several health and environmental benefits:

  • Nutritional Value:
    • Rich in Nutrients: Millets are often more nutrient-dense than rice and wheat, containing essential vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and B-vitamins.
    • High Fiber Content: Millets are an excellent source of dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health.
  • Gluten-Free:
    • Millets are naturally gluten-free, making them a suitable alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  • Low Glycemic Index:
    • Millets have a lower glycemic index compared to rice and wheat, helping in better blood sugar control and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Healthier Fats:
    • Millets contain healthier fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contributing to heart health. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Environmental Sustainability:
    • Water Efficiency: Millets are generally more drought-resistant and require less water compared to rice. This makes them a more sustainable option, especially in regions with water scarcity.
    • Biodiversity: Cultivating a variety of millets supports biodiversity, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system.
  • Climate Resilience:
    • Millets are known for their adaptability to diverse climatic conditions, making them a resilient crop in the face of climate change. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Diverse Cultivation:
    • Growing different types of millets promotes crop diversity, reducing the risk of monoculture-related issues such as pest outbreaks and soil depletion.
  • Local Economy Support:
    • Millets are often traditional crops in many regions, and their cultivation can support local economies and preserve traditional farming practices. Replace Staple Food with Millets.
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
    • Animal agriculture, which is full of cruelty, particularly chicken, beef, pork and meat production including fisheries, contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Shifting towards millets can reduce the demand for meat, thereby lowering the environmental impact.
  • Versatility in Culinary Use:
    • Millets can be used in a variety of dishes, offering versatility in the kitchen and adding diversity to the diet.

In summary, adopting millets as a staple food can have positive impacts on personal health, environmental sustainability and local economies. The shift towards millets aligns with a more holistic and sustainable approach to food production and consumption.

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Vegans Lead the Path

Vegans Leads the Path

Controversies Surrounding PETA and the Dairy Industry

PETA, an organization dedicated to animal welfare and the promotion of veganism, has faced criticism from certain segments of the vegetarian community in India. Some individuals take issue with PETA’s advocacy for veganism, believing that it undermines the importance of vegetarianism. They may harbor concerns regarding foreign influences on Indian dietary practices, leading to a resistance towards embracing veganism.

Challenges within the Dairy Industry

There are valid concerns regarding certain practices within the dairy industry. It is important to acknowledge and address these issues for the well-being of animals involved. Some practices, such as artificial insemination of cows and buffaloes, are considered ethically questionable. The use of injections to manipulate reproduction can be viewed as a form of cruelty towards animals.

Furthermore, the treatment of male calves within the dairy industry has raised serious concerns. Many are either culled at a young age or subjected to harsh living conditions, feeding on garbage and suffering at the hands of humans. It is distressing that certain politicians have even advocated for a system that only allows female calves to be born, highlighting the detrimental intentions behind such actions. However, it is crucial to note that there are also dairy farmers who prioritize ethical practices and prioritize the well-being of their animals.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

Respecting organizations that work for the welfare of animals is essential, and it is crucial for governments to actively address these issues. Strict regulations should be implemented within the dairy industry to ensure the humane treatment of animals. Cows should be allowed to graze freely, and calves should receive their full quota of their mother’s milk before any surplus is harvested for human consumption. The happiness and well-being of cows and their calves should be prioritized, and animals should not be confined in cramped spaces. Those unable to provide suitable conditions for cows and buffaloes should not be granted licenses to operate dairy businesses.

There is a sentiment that no financial support should be extended to the dairy industry. The notion arises from the belief that it is ethically wrong to exploit cows and make them live miserable lives as mere milk-producing machines. It is argued that cows’ milk is intended for their offspring, and humans have no right to consume it. In contrast, vegans are seen as morally superior, as they abstain from causing harm to animals. Dairy brands such as Amul, Nandini, Madhusudan, Parag, and even Patanjali are criticized for allegedly mistreating innocent animals to maintain their milk production.

It is disheartening to witness the exploitation of sentiments surrounding cows under the guise of Gau Mata (sacred cow) for political gain. The practice of providing bank loans to peasants and farmers to purchase cows and buffaloes for milk production often leads to an unethical cycle. Unfortunately, those who have taken such loans are unlikely to rear male calves. These calves are either abandoned or sold to slaughterhouses for monetary gain. In this pursuit, ethical considerations, morals, and principles are disregarded in favor of political motives and securing votes. It is a regrettable situation where the true welfare of cows is overshadowed by opportunistic agendas.

Cows are not mere milk factories; they have a complex social structure similar to humans. They, too, desire companionship and the opportunity to form family bonds with bulls. Natural reproduction should be respected, rather than relying on artificial insemination techniques to produce only female calves. Cows are sensitive, intelligent, and remarkably compassionate animals. Bulls, on the other hand, are noble creatures known for their hard work and dedication. It is important to recognize and appreciate the inherent value and welfare of these remarkable beings. 🙏